Will sms be phased out?

Will sms be phased out

Deciding between renting and buying is common for any aspiring homeowner. It really depends on your situation. For example, if your job requires you to frequently move, renting may be more suitable. On the other hand, buying a home is the better option when it comes to staying in your hometown or deciding to settle down.

Either way, there is a case to be made that you can benefit far more from buying as compared to renting. Here’s why:

  1. No Landlord Hassles: Your own home means you are in control. You don’t have to go through a landlord for repairs or renovations. You can get things fixed or improve your space faster. Living on rent means you are dependent on a landlord for utilities and maintenance.
  2. Emotional Security: Your home belongs to you and your family. It is a space that reflects who you are and how you want to be.
  3. No Uncertainty: You don’t have to worry about your landlord terminating the lease agreement. You also don’t have to stress over lease renewals and rent negotiations.
  4. No Compromise: Rent is an expense. Naturally, people prefer to reduce cash outflow as much as possible. As a result, you may end up compromising on location, size, and amenities. On the other hand, when you buy or construct a house, you can ensure that it meets your expectations.
  5. Easy Financing Options: Housing finance in India has grown manifold over the past few decades. There are a number of easy finance options to choose from, making home purchasing a more reasonable investment than ever. Instead of waiting till your 40s to save up, you can take a home loan in your 20s and be a proud owner of a fully-paid off home even before you turn 50.
  6. Get Tax Benefits: Your home loan principal and interest repayment fetch you attractive tax breaks.
  7. Build Your Own Asset: As mentioned above, rent is pure expenditure. Once that money goes, it’s gone. You can use the same amount towards a home loan while building your own asset over time.
  8. It’s an Investment: Property prices usually appreciate over the long term. Buying a home is a way of increasing your wealth over time. So, the later you buy, the more you will have to pay; the earlier the better.

Deciding between renting and buying is common for any aspiring homeowner. It really depends on your situation. For example, if your job requires you to frequently move, renting may be more suitable. On the other hand, buying a home is the better option when it comes to staying in your hometown or deciding to settle down.

Either way, there is a case to be made that you can benefit far more from buying as compared to renting.



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