Is bulk legal?

Is bulk legal


Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Medical, Financial, Acronyms, Idioms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia.

  1. BULK, contracts. Said to be merchandise which is neither counted) weighed, nor measured.
  2. A sale by bulk, is a sale of a quantity of goods,, such as they are, without measuring, counting, or weighing. Civ. Code of Louis. a. 3522, n. 6. BULL, eccles. law. A letter from the pope of Rome, written on parchment, to which is attached a leaden seal, impressed with the images of Saint Peter and Saint Paul.
  3. There are three kinds of apostolical rescripts, the brief, the signature, and the bull, which last is most commonly used in legal matters. Bulls may be compared to the edicts and letters-patent of secular princes: when the bull grants a favor, the seal is attached by means of silken strings; and when to direct execution to be performed, with flax cords. Bulls are written in Latin, in a round and Gothic hand. Ayl. Par. 132; Ayl. Pand. 21; Mer. Rep. h. t.


A Law Dictionary, Adapted to the Constitution and Laws of the United States. By John Bouvier. Published 1856.



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Is sending bulk emails legal?

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Izak Sotolo

Sep 25
Of course, sending bulk emails is legal if you use the right provider and spam tester, ensuring that your mailing will get into the recipient’s inbox.
Take a look at the SendBlaster provider. It’s a quite interesting software that allows you to send many emails to hundreds of users for free actively. It also offers a set of useful tools and features for sending. With the help of such software, it becomes possible for multiple and numerous mailings to electronic mailboxes. At the same time, the letters are personalized and given unique content. It significantly speeds up the notification of customers, users, etc. The messages can be formed in plain text or HTML. Images, files, text documents, etc., are attached to the letters.
There is a free version too. But it has limitations in terms of the number of emails sent simultaneously. Therefore, you’ll have to download the paid version for active use and mass notification.
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